Contacts | Pordenone With Love


Pordenone with love is the tourism portal of the province of Pordenone, realized by ConCentro - Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce IAA of Pordenone and born from an idea and with the support of: Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone, Province of Pordenone, Turismo FVG Tourism Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Municipality of Pordenone, Ascom Pordenone, Mountain Leader, Coldiretti Pordenone, Confartigianato Pordenone, Confcooperative Pordenone, Industrial Union of the province of Pordenone and Fiera di Pordenone.

For information:
Territorial Marketing Area
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 56 - 33170 Pordenone
Tel. 0434.381633 fax 0434.381639



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